Now, let’s take a look at the final step for minting TCCs from composting GasIDs per example in the prior section of 1 TRC of Green Waste and 1 TRC of Food Waste generating a GasID of 2,300 Kgs.
Figure 33: TCCs from GasIDs tied to Composted TRCs in the example RJ1 Because the GasID shown in the figure above has a CO2e weight (w), greater than 1 Ton, it will need to be split into 1,000 Kg units such that TCCs can be minted for each unit. A leftover GasID with w <1000 Kg remains with the composting facility until it can be packaged into another GasID summing 1,000 Kg, which, in turn will mint another TCC.
In following with the example of a Brazilian composting facility in Rio de Janeiro’s municipality #1 the GasID, GRJ1 will be recorded as a set:
wistheweight(kg)ofavoidedCO2 TrRJ1–foodandTrRJ1–green G={w,Tr} GRJ1={2,300kgs,{TrRJ1–food,TrRJ1–green}} whichwillbesplitinto3differentGasIDs {GRJ1}⇒{GRJ1.1,GRJ1.2,GRJ1.3} withweights(w)of... GRJ1.1=1,000kgs GRJ1.2=1,000kgs (Reserve)GRJ1.3=300kgs ThentheGasIDsweighing1tonaremintedintoTCCs(Tc)
GRJ1.1⇒TcRJ1.1 GRJ1.2⇒TcRJ1.2 TheReserveGasIDisstoreduntilthereareenoughtomakeanewTCC