Formula For Baseline Emissions of CO2


= 0.85 (Model correction factor to account for model uncertainties);

f = 0.00 (0%) – scenarios 1 e 3 / 0.45 (45%) – scenario 2 (Fraction of methane captured at the SWDS and flared, combusted or used in another manner that prevents the emissions of methane to the atmosphere);

GWPCH4= 28 (Global Warming Potential of methane) – IPCC, 2013;

*OX = 0.1 (Oxidation factor [reflecting the amount of methane from SWDS that is oxidized in the soil or other material covering the waste]);

*F = 0.5 (Fraction of methane in the SWDS gas [volume fraction]);

*DOCf = 0,5 (Fraction of degradable organic carbon (DOC) that decomposes under the specific conditions occurring in the SWDS);

*MCF = 1.0 – scenarios 1 e 2 / 0.8 – scenario 3 (Methane correction factor);

*Wj,x =1.0 t – food waste / 1.0 t – Garden/yard waste (Amount of solid waste disposed or prevented from disposal in the SWDS);

*DOCj = 0.15 (15%) – food waste / 0.20 (20%) – Garden/yard waste (Fraction of degradable organic carbon in the waste [weight fraction – wet waste]);

*Kj = 0.40 – food waste / 0.17 – Garden/yard waste (Decay rate for the waste type j (1/yr) considering wet tropical climate, with mean annual temperature > 20ºC and mean annual precipitation > 1,000 mm);

x = first of the period;

y = last year of the period.

*Default values were considered for each specific parameter, according to waste characteristics and its final destination method. For the calculation involving the scenario of landfills with flaring, a methane burning efficiency rate of 50% capture and 90% burn rates was used in accordance with the CDM project at the Sanitary Landfill CTRR in Santa Rosa in Seropedica, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (UNFCCC, 2012).

Last updated