Creating Value

As a network solution for circularity, Carrots seeks to adequately identify, measure, and valorize the environmental work of reuse and recycling while also connecting the stakeholders that are creating value with those that would like to or need to support it. The vehicles through which this value exchange occurs are Recycling Credits and Carbon Credits that are purchased by companies needing to meet Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) mandates to reduce their waste footprint and/or carbon reduction/net zero goals, respectively. The purchase of Tokenized Recycling Credits (TRCs) and Tokenized Carbon Credits (TCCs) in the form of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) distributes the proceeds from the sale of the credit directly to verified contributors identified along the waste recovery supply chain through smart contracts coded in accordance with Carrot’s Rewards Distribution Policy. The distribution of the proceeds drives capital into the recycling economy efficiently, where it is certifiably working. The rewards help Waste Generators cover costs with sorting and recycling, serve as new capital for Recyclers, Processors, and Haulers to invest in expanding their businesses, and encourage those who are not yet participating to join the ecosystem through incentives (Recycle-to-Earn), thereby improving sorting behavior.

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